Project Overview - Regional NSW Councils: Mudgee

Live and Local on Church Street

Project Summary

The Live and Local on Church Street project proposed to activate Church Street businesses through a local music event, which incorporated youth and arts. The event was designed as an additional activation to conclude a food and wine event held earlier in the day in March 2018. The event brought the community together to celebrate music, youth and arts in the region and engage local businesses, both traditional and non-traditional music venues. Council modified their initial proposal to include several smaller activations following on from Live and Local on Church Street.

The program was delivered by Mid-Western Regional Council project lead Alayna Gleeson, and curated by local musician Katherine Wilson.

Event Photos

Event Statistics


Number of Events 5
Venues 10
Attendance (approx.) 700


Total 47
Male 29 62%
Female 18 38%


Total 20
Male 7 35%
Female/Mixed Gender 13 65%


Total 34
Male 12 35%
Female/Mixed Gender 22 65%

Create NSW Priority Areas

Youth 6

Notable Achievements

  • Council established an artist database for the community to use for future programming
  • Council adjusted achieved gender equity through adjusting a 62%/38% representation of individual male and female artists to a 35%/65% representation of male and female/mixed-gender acts and performances.
  • Council is now working with the Mudgee Business Chamber of Commerce to establish ongoing strategies for supporting local live music.


  • “I was impressed by the number of people who came to watch us perform. The audience was very attentive and supportive.” – Live and Local musician
  • Businesses indicated they would be willing to cover costs for another event
  • Artists indicated that the event was a good platform experience and confidence in performing music live.

Marketing Material